NAVIGATING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS is a two-and-a-half or three-hour class delivered by Matthew Craston and created primarily for employees who need a clearer understanding of how financial statements work. Again, it is taught within companies or remotely by video conference.
At the end of the class, employees will understand how balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statements are created, and how to read and understand them. They will also learn the key ratios currently used for financial analysis, and how to detect problem signs.
Users of this class will be any employees who are already working occasionally with financial statements, but still feel they need to have them explained concisely and clearly. The class can also be delivered as a tutorial to individuals, lasting two-and-a-half hours.
Matthew has worked with financial statements throughout his career, and he believes that he is well suited to teaching how they work and providing the important perspective of a non-accountant to the classroom.